Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hub Challenge at Hubpages

The past two weeks have flown and I have been beyond stressed. Packing up a life and sorting bits and bobs to go off in three different directions, once they all get to Cape town first, has been a nightmare. Too much to do, no time, not much assistance from kids, a veritable nightmare. But, as I sit in my close on empty house surrounded by debris and stuff to perhaps sell or dispose of in some way, I feel a huge sense of relief and a sense of loss. What happens if Somali pirates hijack the ship carrying my life? What happens if it gets damaged in a hurricane and sinks? My poor terracotta warriors will then lie on the bottom of the ocean floor.

Anyway, the good news, no, make that the great news is that Hubpages is having a 30 day challenge so I'm going to try and write 30 articles in 30 days. I want my articles to still be quality ones, so I'll not be forsaking quality for just any shyte. So, please we need your support! I don't actually win anything if I do it, and won't make any money as I don't have Goggle Adsense anyway. they wouldn't let me sign up as they didn't recognise my Chineses address. thought I was taking the piss by giving an address in China. Others are doing it for the money. i just want to see if I can. maybe, somebody will click on the amazon link to my book and buy some copies. That's all I can hope for lol.

So, wish me luck! Am off to see if Nele is at home. Think I need a wine or two for my weary soul.
Am out tonight for Mother's Day. Tony took me out to the Nepalese restaurant last night with money he earned selling some of his art. Tonight Kerri is taking me to Secco, the german Restaurant which has an all you can eat BBQ on a Sunday night. She's renting me out to friends who are missing their moms on Mother's Day! So, should be quite a crowd!

Have a great Mothers day! Hot as Hades here today!


Lis Sowerbutts said...

Google doesn't allow Adsense accounts for residents of all countries - China is obviously a no-no. You have a couple of options - you are obviously moving to a new country - check out if they recognise that country. Also I assume that you are an expat - do you still have a bank a/c and mail forwarded at "home"? If so probably best to go with your home address - so long as you have a home bank a/c to link to. You also need to connect with snail mail to that address as they will send you a car to verify the address before they will pay you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - Julie (aka Iphigenia) from HubPages here - joining you in the Hub Challenge - blogger/blogspot blog called 'I Hub on Hub Pages' - why not join me over there ?:

Cindy Vine said...

Hi Lis, will definitely try that! Thanks for the suggestion!

I'll definitely visit your blog, Julie! Cheers!